Overalls- c/o Chicnova | Top- Abercrombie & Fitch | Shoes- c/o MADELiNE | Necklace- Forever 21 | Earrings- Anthropologie | Watch- c/o Daniel Wellington | Sunglasses- c/o Giant Vintage
I am a child.
Reason #1: I'm basically wearing a onesie. I actually own another onesie--the pajama kind from Target--but those are pajamas, and I never wear them out of the house. These overalls constitute as a real actual onesie.
Reason #2: I am wearing SPARKLY ABERCROMBIE. Yes, this top is from the dank, smelly depths of Abercrombie. Yes, it has sparkles on it.
Arguments for why I am not a child?
Reason #1: I'm 18.
Reason #2: I've graduated high school.
Since it's a 2-2 tie, the tiebreaker (I haven't gone to college yet aka I still live with my parents), confirms that I am indeed a child.
Have you tried this crazy overalls trend yet, and what do you think? I can't decide if I should wear these in public yet...