Dress- H&M | Sweater- c/o August Wrinkle | Shoes- c/o MyHotShoes.com | Scarf- (my mom's) Laila Rowe | Hat- Target
"Springtime in Paris" is the name of my third trimester English course at school. The first two trimesters I took Poetry, which I absolutely loved. Not only did I have one of my favorite teachers, I love the topic of poetry and I love reading and writing it! Springtime in Paris is much different. On the first day of class every student got their own baguette and that was pretty awesome! But I'm not as into what we're actually doing--it's kind of like an art history course! We're learning about art created in Paris and reading Gertrude Stein, who, quite frankly, writes totally unedited. I don't like her style at all.