Top- Marshall's | Shorts- Target | Shoes- Target | Belt- Target | Bracelet- c/o Torn to Pieces | Necklace- giveaway Lucid NY | Sunglasses- c/o Giant Vintage
Happy last day of June! It really flew by, can't believe my summer is already 1/3 of the way over!!! I've been lifeguarding, having photoshoots, hanging out with friends, and getting my tan on :) My soccer team is also playing in a summer league which we started last week--and I sprained my ankle! We won both of our games that night, and I should be able to play this week. So, that's what my summer's consisted of! I still haven't gone to the beach or NYC or anywhere interesting yet. I will be going to the city this week though, and hopefully the beach soon after. This summer has been awesome so far!